We are so excited to share our Ethiopian adoption adventure, and our CRAZY lives with all of you! Our hope is that it will encourage you to step out in faith to do what God has called you to do! There are FIELDS of fatherless children waiting for someone to care for them, to love them, to tell them of JESUS' love for them...will YOU be the one??

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ethiopia Adoption

WOW! This day has really SUCKED! Sorry...but it has....we've been going over agencies, etc...getting ready to make a decision..and then we hear this:


Basically saying that adoptions are going to be cut by 90% in Ethiopia..as corruption is taken care of, etc...blah, blah, blah....

We don't know what to do...so we wait...pleading with the Lord to NOT allow this to happen...for ALL 4.3 MILLION orphans waiting for families!!!

YES! Corruption in adoption should be taken care of, but PLEASE LORD...just keep UNICEF out of it!!! UNICEF, the devil's sidekick!!! I smell another Haiti!!!

So...do we jump into the unknown....?????

Please pray for Ethiopia!!! So many children are waiting, and so many families WANT to go.....the enemy is once again mighty...BUT GOD! BUT GOD! BUT GOD!!!!!!!

Honestly, I don't know what this means for the process, other than it will be extremely SLOW now....

We need your prayers, but most of all, those 5 million children need your prayers! Just like Guatemala, Nepal, Haiti....and the list goes on....the enemy DOES NOT WANT children in families!! It's that simple!!!

Lord Jesus, PLEASE intervene in a mighty way!!! They need you!!! So many families already in process(thousands), need YOU! We need you to be victorious over the enemy...TODAY!

In the name of Jesus, AMEN!

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